Anglers co-exist with cattle on the S. Fork Boise River
By Steve StuebnerWriter and ProducerLife on the Range In the spring, local ranchers graze cattle along the South Fork of the Boise River, while early-bird anglers fish and float for trout. “Cattle grazing is one of our multiple use activities on the Boise NF. It’s kind of an awesome mix between what people do for […]

Don’t Cramp the Ramp, Be a Good Boater
Ramps can be a bottleneck for boaters, especially during peak times when lots of people are trying to launch or trailer their boats at the same time. To ensure things go as smoothly as possible, boaters and others can follow these tips to minimize congestion and problems: Be ready to launch when you back down […]

Recreation tips for the South Fork Boise River
By Steve StuebnerWriter and ProducerLife on the Range The South Fork of the Boise River is a scenic and popular place to go fishing, camping, and whitewater rafting. It’s got a blue-ribbon rainbow trout fishery, lots of camp sites, and a challenging whitewater canyon. With a steady stream of new people moving into the greater […]

Idaho’s Free Fishing Day
Idaho’s Free Fishing Day is Saturday June 12. This is a great time to introduce someone new to fishing, especially kids! The Idaho Department of Fish and Game has a huge list of family friendly fishing waters statewide. They also show up a popular fishing spots on Free Fishing Day to help people with fishing […]

Memorial Day
Memorial Day campers and outdoor recreationists encouraged to be good stewards, show respect for Idaho lands Many people – potentially record numbers of people – are expected to venture into Idaho State Parks, National Forests and Bureau of Land Management lands and other federal and state lands to go camping and engage in outdoor recreation […]

Responsible Shooting…
When you’re out target shooting, be sure to follow these best practices from Tread Lightly to protect your safety and the safety of others. Please remember that exploding targets and fireworks are prohibited on Idaho public lands Target shooting is generally allowed on national forest and BLM lands as long as it’s done in a safe manner, […]

What To Do If You Encounter Sheep or Cattle on the Trail…
When people are out recreating on Idaho public lands, they may encounter sheep or cattle on the trail. Many of Idaho’s public lands are managed for multiple use – meaning they are working lands for livestock and ranching and places to enjoy for people out camping, fishing, hunting, hiking, biking, riding ATVs and motorbikes and […]